06 April, 2007

US edition released, 6th April 07

The US edition of TLOTR officially releases today!

Given the huge importance of the crucified Christ to Zinzendorf's theology and mission, it is another one of those 'probably-not-coincidences' that the book just happens to come out on Good Friday this year...

I really like what Regal have done with this edition. The cover is great, and everyone loves the 'Tolkienesque' font. We have both versions on our church bookstall, and all those Brits seem to want to buy the American edition!

I'm not so sure about the back cover copy, though. Referring to the plane as a 3 seater is going to irritate every pilot who ever reads this book (everyone knows a Piper Warrior has 4 seats!). And all that (technically correct) stuff about the 'Confessors of Christ' kind of obscures the fact that the book really centres around the 'Order of the Mustard Seed'.

In spite of that - well done to all the team at Regal, and thanks for all your hard work and support in getting to this place!