30 October, 2006

Purchase online from 24-7 prayer

If you want to purchase a copy of "The Lord of The Ring" online, you can now do this through the 24-7 prayer website by clicking here.

Why go through 24-7 rather than Amazon? Well, when you purchase a £6.99 book, a massive £3.50 goes to the retailer who sold it to you. So by buying direct, you can support the work of 24-7 prayer at no extra cost to yourself :o)

21 October, 2006

Whoops - it's all Greek to me!

Well it had to happen - I've had the advance copy for a couple of weeks (UK edition) and I've found the first typo. And unfortunately, it's a big one!

On page 37, the Greek words inscribed on the ring worn by members of the 'Order of the Mustard Seed' are given as "ΟΥΔΕΙΣ ΗΜΩΝ". This is wrong! Two crucial words got cut off by the typesetters, and the full Greek text of the ring inscription should actually be "ΟΥΔΕΙΣ ΗΜΩΝ ΕΑΥΤΩ ΖΗ" ('none of us live for themselves').

Arguably these were the four most important words in the book, so to lose two of them is, to say the least, irritating. I already know of at least two people who have versions of it tatooed on their forearms as an indelible reminder of their commitment to Christ. So, if you ever meet anyone wearing half a Greek inscription as a tatoo, now you know the reason why. Please break it to them kindly, especially if there is no room left for the rest of the words on the relevant part of their anatomy.

I suppose it could be worse. Your Kingsway UK first edition first printing copy of "The Lord of The Ring" may just be valuable one day. And it's not nearly as bad as the early version of the King James Bible which rendered Exodus 20:14 as "thou shalt commit adultery"...